譯者許瑞宋在Thief and Encmy 中回應我的翻譯說明體的風險:以《譯藝譚》為例一文,點出thief and
enemy是一個詞組,是我當初沒注意到的。這詞組的字面和意思和中文的「寇讎」很像。網路上有Time, which had been a thief and enemy的說法(Redeeming the Time: A Christian Approach to Work and Leisure),剛好和例題相呼應。
In places like Madumbi, time seems
more of a thief and enemy than in crowded cities or even in circles where
the months are frittered away in useless leisure. At Madumbi life
was a packed routine; work began at half-past five or six in the morning;
fatigue often precluded thought; and the tired eyes, turning towards clock or
calendar, would close in sleep.
and enemy的字面意思,也許可以改成:
可考慮視"a thief and enemy"為修辭格 hendiadys 的應用,解讀時將其一轉換詞性修飾另一詞,由語境決定,中譯原則為除去連接詞「和」或「與」,如敵意的賊或鬼祟的敵人。
回覆刪除這辭格常出現於聖經,近例為"a thief and a robber",省略 a 可視為共軛(zeugma)。這裡的"a thief and enemy"省略 an 為破格共軛,似乎仿引聖經。仿引是則奇妙的辭格,引用卻又避開,有其特別的目標讀者。若文中多次出現仿引應為蓄意如此,這時解讀者需由源頭尋找隱意。以上供參考。
"thief and enemy"似乎是英文習慣上成對出現的詞,以下的翻譯說明意者已知道怎麼用:是我而當者,吾友也;諂諛我者,吾賊也。(《荀子》) The one encouraging me of my merit is my friend. The one persistently flattering me is my thief and enemy. (Master Xun ). http://www.360doc.com/content/11/0527/22/627367_119887414.shtml
回覆刪除Death is a thief and enemy of mankind, yet there is One who has the keys to death and hell.
Catwoman (Selina Kyle) has been both super-hero and super-villain. Beginning her career as a thief and enemy to Batman, she later turned to crime-fighting and became part of the Batman Family.
Eating disorders are not friends; they are the world's biggest thief and enemy.
Procrastination is the thief and enemy of time.