He fetched the grays from Hale's
stable and started on his long climb back to the farm. The cold was less sharp
than earlier in the day and a thick fleecy sky threatened snow for the morrow.
Here and there a star pricked through, showing behind it a deep well of blue.
In an hour or two the moon would push over the ridge behind the farm, burn a
gold-edged rent in the clouds, and then be swallowed by them. A mournful peace
hung on the fields, as though they felt the relaxing grasp of the cold and stretched themselves in their long winter sleep.
themselves in their long winter sleep),這是一個新奇而深刻的意象,在別的譯者筆下,恐怕要變成異常晦澀的句子了。(但是“好像它們……”似乎不如“好像這些田野……”)呂譯的另一特點,是富於風趣。讀了它,你往往發笑,而且這笑裡往往還有辣味、酸味。大家知道,幽默是在翻譯裡極難保存的一種風格,———多少原著裡的妙句,在一般譯文裡變成了蠢話!———可是在呂先生的生花妙筆之下,原文的幽默味非但沒有沖淡,反而變得更濃:
Ethan knew the word for one of exceptional
import. Almost everybody in the neighbourhood had "troubles," frankly localized and specified; To have them was in itself a distinction, but only the chosen had
"complications." though it was also, in most cases, a death-warrant.
People struggled on for years with "troubles," but they almost always
succumbed to "complications."
呂先生在這兒用“雜症”來譯complications,真是恰當不易。Only the chosen had “complications”譯成“只有少數不凡的人才有‘雜症’”,把一個沒病而愛裝病的女人的心理活生生地畫了 出來。People struggled on for years with troubles 譯成“許多人有毛病可以帶病延年一年年混下去”,庸人自擾的情態,躍然紙上。 但是呂譯最大的長處還是對話。他的對話確是話,清楚,乾脆,念得上口,聽得入耳,像漂亮的戲劇對白那樣討人歡喜。聽吧:
"Well, matters ain't gone any too
well with him," Harmon said. "When a man's been setting round like a
hulk for twenty years or more, seeing things that want doing, it eats inter
him, and he loses his grit. That Frome farm was always 'bout
as bare's a milkpan when the cat's been round; and you know what one of
them old water-mills is wuth nowadays. When Ethan could sweat over 'em both
from sunup to dark he kinder choked a living out of 'em; but his folks ate up most everything, even then, and I
don't see how he makes out now. Fust his father got a kick, out haying, and
went soft in the brain, and gave away money like Bible texts afore he died.
Then his mother got queer and dragged along for years as weak as a baby; and
his wife Zeena, she's always been the greatest hand at doctoring in the county.
Sickness and trouble: that's what Ethan's had his plate
full up with, ever since the very first helping."
你聽,這不是鄉下老兒講故事的聲口嗎?多麼寫實,多麼逼 真,多麼夠味兒!但是和原文一對,才知道譯者在這幾句話上花 的工夫可大了。“貓兒舐過的牛乳鍋兒似的光溜溜地”原文是 as bare s a milkpan when the cats been
around,譯者把一個子句縮成了短語,免致太嚕嗦。“他一家人幾張嘴兒也就把那點兒吃盡喝光”原文是 his folks ate up everything,譯者添了幾個字使文氣舒暢,更像口語。可是最值得佩服的還是“病痛和禍害,這是伊坦的家常便飯,從他能吃飯時候算起。”這句話原文是 Sickness and trouble: that’s
what Ethan’s had his plate full with, ever since the very first helping. 我起先看到這話,想了半天想不出一個人人看得懂的譯法,那曉得呂譯竟那麼明暢老練!為什麼呂譯能有這樣高的成就呢?我以為首先是因為,原文的意義,譯者辨認得十分真切。原文每字每句的含義和情調,譯者都看得清清楚楚,有了充分把握,所以翻譯時放膽下筆,有 如齊白石作畫,不斤斤於形似,而神氣自然逼肖。試舉幾個例子:
1. In a sky of iron the
points of the Dipper hung like icicles and Orion flashed his cold fires.
2. It was a slow trudge home through the heavy fields.
3. But the bay was as good as Frome’s word, and we pushed on to the Junction through the white wild scene.
在下面這些句子裡,呂先生 顯出了他的語言學的知識和藝術家的手腕:
1. They turned at the gate and passed under the shaded knoll where, enclosed in a low fence, the
Frome gravestones slanted at crazy angles
through the snow.
2. Despair seized him at the
thought of her setting out alone to renew the weary quest for work.
3. Mattie s hand was underneath, and Ethan kept his clasped on it a moment
longer than was necessary.
4. These alterations of mood were the despair and joy of Ethan
呂譯的句子結構,是極其活潑的。他竭力忠於原文,要和它靠近,但是他深知各種語言自有其特殊的習慣和性能,所以從不 削足適履,強迫中文死守外文的規律。為了譯文的明暢流利,他大膽地省略了一些原文有而中文用不著的介詞、連詞、關係代 詞。在下面這些句子中,我們可以看出大匠運斤,得心應手之妙:
1. The builder [Hale] refused genially, as he did everything else.
2. Business is pretty slack, to begin with, and then I’m fixing up a little house for Ned and Ruth, when they’re married.
3. She s a pauper that’s hung onto us after her father'd done his
best to ruin us.
4. The blood rushed to his thin skin under
the sting of Hale s astonishment.
5. For the life of her smile, the warmth of her voice, only cold paper and dead words!
呂先生是中國語法家,中文有而外文沒有的各種特殊詞性 和句法,他都有深刻的認識,因此行文如行雲流水,意到筆隨,極富於自然之趣。他的譯文有中國風味、中國氣派,是活譯而非死譯,讀起來流暢親切,幾乎像讀原文那樣:
1. Come along! Get in quick! It’s as slippery as thunder on this turn.
2. That thrust had frightened him more than any vague insinuations
about Denis Eddy.
3. She stood perfectly still, looking after him, in an attitude of tranquil expectancy torturing to the hidden
4. . . . Mattie was bound to make the best of Starkfield since she
hadn’t any other place to go to.
可是,呂譯最不可及的地方,我覺得還是用詞的考究和恰當。呂先生的中文辭彙是那麼驚人地豐富,無論是古文、白話、 成語、俗諺、行話、切口,他都兼收並蓄,到了下筆翻譯的時候,簡 直是源源而來,左宜右有。原文有許多詞句,別人搜索枯腸總找 不到適當的譯語,呂先生卻是信手拈來,恰到好處:
1. Now and then he turned his eyes from the girls face to that of
the partner, which,
in the exhilaration of the dance, had taken on a look of impudent ownership.
2. He had even noticed two or three gestures which, in his fatuity, he had thought she kept for him.
3. Zeena herself, from an oppressive reality, had faded into an unsubstantial shade.
4. Now, in the warm, lamplit room, with, all its ancient implications of comformity and order, she seemed infinitely farther away from him and more
5. At Worcester, though he had the name of keeping to himself, and not being much of a hand at a good time, he had secretly gloried in
being clapped on the back and hailed as Old Ethe or Old Stiff.